How to buy our books!

Below are links to the places you can find our books. For large orders (say, 5+ copies of a single book at a time) feel free to email info [at] freaking awesome books [dot] com. (…but make sure to fix the email address. We have to muddy it up a bit to avoid spam.)

Start Dreaming Again


  • Print: Currently only available through ZingerZ Comedy (
  • Kindle: Amazon

“Yes, and…?” No! But…

  • Print: Amazon
  • Kindle: Coming soon!

There Is No Genie In This Play

  • Print : Amazon: Coming soon!

Mary’s Stories

  • Print : Amazon: Coming soon!
  • Kindle: Coming soon!

Mary’s Stories: Readers Theatre Edition

  • Print : Amazon: Coming soon!
  • Online Performance Licensing Form: Coming soon!