Free ImproWISE Materials

Feel free to download these and print them for your own reference and use. Please don’t share them on your own website; we may implement some Creative Commons policies in the future, but haven’t yet. Please note that this is far from all of the reference material in ImproWISE! There’s tons of stuff even beyond the games, and warmups, and reference sheets! It’s also worth noting that you may know some of these games by different names. No worries! The book itself has more than 40 alternative names listed for various games, allowing you to quickly find the name we used. (See the preview for examples of those.)

So why would we give away so much valuable stuff for free? That’s a great question! The bottom line is this: you don’t need this book if you just want a bunch of games. Lots of places have games online. What you can’t find anywhere else are all the details on how to improve those games, the gimmicks, and so on. You can’t find nearly as much information on a single game from this book, let alone about six dozen different games, another two dozen warmups, and more on any single site, if you can even find it at all! If you buy this book you’ll be doing it for the sheer volume (eighty-six 8.5”x11” pages and 50,000 words!) of info in one place, not for a few charts. And even more to the point: we’re sharing those charts because we hope it helps the community, which Mike is definitely part of.

  • ALL of the ImproWISE reference sheets in a single file! …or download them individually, below.
  • The M4 technique! – Our most popular reference sheet, the M4 was invented by Mike Peterson and allows you to teach almost anyone how to sing four-line rhyming verses in 20 minutes or less!
  • Games by Type and Suggestion Prompts – This double-sided page will probably be your most-referenced sheet during a show. It’s our 2nd most popular download!
  • All Games – Alphabetically, including required players, volunteer possibilities, and general gimmicks.
  • Warmups – This double-sided page has all of the warmups listed by type on one side and alphabetically on the other, including reminders on how each warmup goes. It’s our 3rd most popular download.
  • Categories – These are a discussion of general tips for each type of game. Specific games aren’t really discussed, just general pointers.
  • Suggested Games for New Troupes – Just starting your troupe from scratch with no experience and don’t know where to start? This baker’s dozen games is where you might want to start with your new troupe.

Free preview of the inside of ImproWISE

Look, we get it. It’d be nice to know what the content looks like inside a large, somewhat pricey reference manual. This excerpt is from our print version (page numbers differ from the actual book, obviously). Also included are a list of just some of the features we worked into the print and digital versions. When you’re ready you can also buy a copy in print or Kindle formats.

** Here’s the free preview of ImproWISE **