Start Dreaming Again

95% of college graduates live paycheck-to-paycheck their entire lives. This isn’t a new number; it’s been true since the 1930s. You carefully followed all of the advice you’ve ever been given. You went to school. You got good grades. You went to college and worked hard to get good grades there, too. Then after graduating you jumped on the 40/40/40 plan: work 40+ hours a week for 40+ weeks per year so you can retire (if you’re lucky) on 40% or less of what you struggled to live on in the first place. We’ve been conditioned to believe that everything we know is true, but the truth is that we took financial advice from broke people. No one who gave you that advice lives the kind of lifestyle that you dreamed of as a kid.

…and yet, it’s clearly not the only way. Somehow, there are some people who can play golf in the middle of the day, vacation wherever and whenever they want, and live in houses that would fit your entire neighborhood. What do they do differently?

Have you been searching for the key to unlocking financial freedom and success in life? Do you
believe time is one of the most precious commodities we can possess? If you want to know the secret to obtaining the life you only ever dreamed of you need to look inside Start Dreaming Again!

Inside Start Dreaming Again you’ll discover:

  • Why you have never been taught to be rich
  • The two secrets of financial independence: residual and leverage income
  • The way that the rich and successful think
  • The leadership and skills you need to get ahead
  • How to apply the two secrets no matter your current situation
  • Suggestions to learn more
  • Actions you can take right away and much more!

If you want to learn and master the skills which will enable you to unlock financial
independence, then head over to either Amazon or CreateSpace and buy it now! Don’t let your
future be limited because you never knew that more was possible. Start dreaming again today!

Curious what’s in the book? Perhaps either a chapter breakdown or a free preview would help?

…or hear Mike talk about the book in his own words!

  • This interview aired live on The Author’s Lounge, a show on the Fish Bowl Radio Network, on May 30, 2017. (He was the primary guest for the first hour but was invited to stay for the second hour, as well.)
  • Mike was also interviewed on the Transform Your Life podcast. The link above takes you to the podcast page or you can listen directly here.