SDA Chapter Breakdown

Briefly, here are the chapters in Start Dreaming Again and what they contain:

  • Introduction – Where is all this information from and why should you read it?
  • Foreword – Why Start Dreaming Again was written in the first place and who can benefit from it.
  • Chapter 1: “Why You’ve Never Been Taught How To Be Rich” – Why the two secrets are so critical and yet, why you’ve never heard about them before.
  • Chapter 2: “The Two Secrets” – How they’re similar, how they’re different, and how they’re used by the financially independent.
  • Chapter 3: “Mindset And Philosophy” – Why your thinking must change and how it will need to change.
  • Chapter 4: “Leadership And Ethics” – What a leader is and isn’t, as well as why it’s relevant to the two secrets.
  • Chapter 5: “Jumping Off of The Line” – How to implement the two secrets within a job, as a business owner, or by adding a side stream of income.
  • Chapter 6: “The Easiest Thing You Already Dismissed” – The topic some people hate but must be included in any serious discussion of the two secrets, as well as how to determine whether circumstances are in your favor for success.
  • Chapter 7: “Suggestions To Learn More” – Suggested books, authors, speakers, and where to find them.
  • Chapter 8: “What Do I Do First?” – A checklist that shows you what to do once you finish Start Dreaming Again and how to move from learning and mastering the information to applying it.
  • Chapter 9: “Industries And [one of the secrets! – Ed.]” – A fairly long list of various industries and how one of the secrets is gained in those industries. It’s essentially a springboard into where you might want to next.
  • Afterword – A final admonition and thanks.